
KEAFOLS Bodyweight Fitness Resistance Kit Extension Strap for Door Pull Up Ba...

$ 29.03

Availability: 100 in stock


KEAFOLS Bodyweight Fitness Resistance Kit Extension Strap for Door Pull Up Bar, Powerlifting Strength Training Kit Straps Home Gym Exercise Full-Body Workout Equipment for Complete Body Core Exercise
โœŒSIMPLE & EASY TO USE: Simple & easy to use the band for upper & lower body exercises that can be performed anywhere, such as on the door, is ideal for conditioning & rehabbing muscles as well as specific workout for yoga, crossfit, lower body pilates, rotator cuff strengthening, and running.
โœŒMULTI - FUNCTIONAL: Resistance bands can used for multiple exercises, such as general exercise, stretching, strength building, power weight programs.
โœŒSUPER QUALITY: Our exercise resistance bands are easy on skin and free from defects and and will provide you with a worry free experience. This resistance band set can be integrated seamlessly with every popular workout program including Insanity, Crossfit, Beach Body, Yoga, Pilates and more.
โœŒADJUSTBALE RESISTANCE BANDS: Adjustable Connection for consistent tension during any exercise. Meaning you can adjust the length of the Fitness Band for your individual needs. Work your Arms, Abs, Legs, Back and more!
โœŒFULL MUSCLE BUILDING: The packeage includes:Main resistance band X 2, Door Anchor X 1, Handle Strap X 2, Foot Cradles X 2, Mesh Bag X 1.Provides comprehensive workout muscles such as arms, legs, chest, shoulders, abdominals, back & butt.
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